Global education
Global education
To raise globally competitive children, we focus on the translingual, with emphasis on the native language.
We foster students to be able to speak and understand Japanese firmly while possessing the mental and the skills to communicate, express themselves confidently without hesitation in English through communicating with children of a similar age living overseas.
Speak Out! Jr.
SOJ (Speak Out! Jr.) class is one of our original global education classes that students connect online with students living overseas, in the same age group and learn about different cultures. Students will build up the positive experiences through presenting Japanese living and culture to them while they have a lot of fun speaking English.

5th and 6th graders foster abilities to make their own decisions, with their own ideas and opinions about some issues Japanese and foreign societies are facing today using ICT equipment extensively. Students will have the opportunities to debate and exchange their opinions constructively.

Speak Out! Personal
SOP (Speak Out! Personal) class is our original online English class with a Japanese teacher and a Filipino teacher working together. Students are able to practice speaking English with a Filipino teacher immediately following the session learning English phrases from a Japanese teacher. The online system develops students' communication skills to talk with someone they met through chatting for the first time without hesitation.

Tamaishiki ANNIE Sound
We start off the day by reciting English words. Our main goal here is for students to be comfortable with English. Therefore, there is no emphasis on pronouncing the words correctly. Instead, we focus more on speaking out with a clear, confident tone which is the key to making English communication a natural habit. Furthermore, this morning speaking session is a perfect activity for students to wake up at the beginning of the day.